Wednesday, June 24, 2020

ISRO Cyberspace Competitions-2020(ICC-2020)

ISRO Cyberspace Competitions–2020 (ICC–2020) 
During the present COVID-19 challenging times, when physical meetings are near-impossible, ISRO plans to play its unifying role for the young minds of our country by involving them in various online competitions showcasing their potential talents by organising online ISRO Cyberspace Competitions–2020 (ICC–2020).
 ICC–2020 would avoid the physical travel of the students to different places and facilitates their participation online keeping them safe within their home during these testing times. The competitions planned in ICC–2020 are: 
1. Drawing competition for Class 1 to 3, 
2. Model making competition for Class 4 to 8, 
3. Essay competition for class 9 to 10 (both Hindi and English),
 4. Essay competition / Space-Quiz contest for class 11 to 12 (both Hindi and English).  

For registration online, Please visit:

Click here for Login (after registration)

Registration for ICC-2020 is extended upto June 28, 2020.

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