Monday, July 27, 2020

World Nature Conservation Day 2020

World Nature Conservation Day 2020
World Nature Conservation Day 2020 - On 28 July 2020, World Nature Conservation Day is observed to raise awareness about the significance of natural resources and encourage the people about the practices of protecting nature resources. World Nature Conservation Day is celebrated on July 28 of every year around the world. World Nature Conservation Day 2020 recognizes that a healthy environment is key to a healthy and sustainable society. On this World Nature Conservation Day, people should put an effort to protect the earth and conserve the natural resources. 
Theme of Earth Day 2020 - Swikriti's Blog

What is the Significance of World Nature Conservation Day?

Each and every activity in the world depends upon nature so people should understand that any activity they do will affect the earth. Conservation of nature is of utmost importance to all human beings and their life on Earth. Earth has given essential need to live like water, air,  trees, animals, food, soil, minerals, etc. so its people duty to keep the environment safe and clean. There are so many threats to nature, such as deforestation, illegal trade in wildlife, pollution, plastics use, chemicals, industrial developments, and many more factors. So, it is important to protect nature and to create a healthy environment for present and future generations. 

What is the History of World Nature Conservation Day?

The founder and the history of World Conservation Day is unknown. The main objective of celebrating this day is to protect, maintain and conserve the natural resources and habitats. Due to the depletion of natural resources and the imbalance in the ecosystem, people face the risks like natural disasters, global warming, various diseases and much more. So the only solution to overcome these problems is to preserve the natural resources by creating awareness to the people around the world and encouraging them to protect the environment in an effective manner for present as well as future generations.

What are the steps to conserve the environment?

Due to the fact that natural resources are limited, and the formation takes millions of years, the human exploits them for their endless consumption and comfort. Human beings have become a threat to natural resources as the human interference in natural resources is rising day after day. So, it's very important to save the resources and some of the steps to conserve the nature are listed below:

  • Use of alternative energy of energy such as solar and wind energy
  • Plant more trees to maintain the ecosystem and to prevent soil erosion
  • Use the water resources in a proper way and reuse the kitchen water for watering the gardens
  • Grow vegetation in catchment areas
  • Reduce the usage of electricity 
  • Use the recyclable and biodegradable products
  • Ensure the recycling of wastes
  • Try to minimize the use of cars for shorter distance
  • Use paper bags or cloth bag instead of plastic bags
  • Grow the own vegetables by using organic compost
  • Install water treatment plants and rainwater harvesting

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Kargil Vijay Diwas : India celebrates 21 Years of Victory in Kargil War

Kargil Vijay Diwas : India celebrates 21 Years of Victory in Kargil War

Kargil Vijay Diwas is celebrated in India on 26 July. In 1999, the Pakistani army crossed the Line of Control in Kargil and tried to capture India’s land. The Kargil war was fought for more than 3 months and ended on 26 July and both the countries lost their many soldiers. The war ended with India regaining control of all the previously held territory, hence re-establishing the status quo antebellum. Kargil Vijay Diwas is celebrated on 26 July every year in honor of the Kargil War’s Heroes. This day is celebrated in the Kargil–Dras sector and the national capital New Delhi, where the Prime Minister of India pays homage to the soldiers at Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate every year. Functions are also organized all over the country to commemorate the contributions of the armed forces.

The reason for the war was the infiltration of Pakistani soldiers disguised as Kashmiri militants into positions on the Indian side of the LOC, which fills in as the true outskirt between the two states. During the initial phases of the war, Pakistan accused the battling completely for free Kashmiri militants, yet records abandoned by losses and later proclamations by Pakistan’s Prime Minister and Chief of Army Staff indicated an association of Pakistani paramilitary forces, drove by General Ashraf Rashid. The Indian Army, later supported by the Indian Air Force, recovered a lion’s share of the situations on the Indian side of the LOC penetrated by the Pakistani soldiers and militants. Confronting worldwide political restriction, the Pakistani forces pulled back from the staying Indian situations along the LOC


In the midst of heightened tensions after both of the rival countries had successfully created and tested nuclear weapons, came the Lahore agreement of 1999, in which both the countries mutually agreed to solve the Kashmir issue in a peaceful manner.

However, beginning from the winter of 1998, Pakistani troops began infiltrating towards the Indian side of the Line of Control (LoC) under Operation Badr, hoping to cut off Indian troops in Siachen and force them to retreat. The Pakistani troops had managed to capture a region between 130 to 200 square kilometres, before India responded with Operation Vijay.

The glorious Operation Vijay saw the mobilisation of about 2,00,000 Indian troops and brought a swift and final end to the conflict by recapturing all the previously lost posts and forcing the Pakistani troops to make a run for it. The Kargil was a unique instance of two nuclear-capable powers facing each other off in a conventional warfare.

In the end the then Pakistan prime minister Nawaz Shariff managed to get the US to intervene diplomatically so as to ensure an absolute end to the conflict.


This year our school is also going to celebrated the Kargil Vijay Diwas 2020. For the school students "Online QUIZ Competition on Kargil Vijay Diwas 26th July 2020" are conducted through this library blog.

Start Date - 26 July 2020 
End Date - 28 July 2020

Friday, July 10, 2020

Result of International Plastic Bag Free Day 2020 : Poster Making Competition

 International Plastic Bag Free Day 2020 : Poster Making Competition based on "PLASTIC FREE INDIA"


First Position
Class - 6A

Second Position
Class - 6C

Third Position
Class - 6C

CLASS - 7 

First Position
Class - 7B

Second Position
Class - 7A

Third Position
Class - 7A

Report and Result of National Reading day/Week 2020

Revised Curriculum for the Academic Year 2020-21

Revised Secondary Curriculum (IX-X)
 Revised Main Subjects - (Group-A1)
     Revised Math 
     Revised Science 
Curriculum Deduction Details

Revised Senior Secondary Curriculum (XI-XII)
 Revised Academic Electives - (Group-A)

Curriculum Deduction Details (Deleted Portion)

World Population Day 2020 : 11 th July 2020

World Population Day 2020 11 July 2020

History of World Population Day:

The day came about in 1989 when it was established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme. It was inspired by the public interest in Five Billion Day on July 11, 1987, the approximate date on which the world's population reached five billion people. The United Nations General Assembly decided to continue observing the day through its resolution 45/216 of December 1990.

Significance of World Population Day:

The day is significant because it highlights the problems of overpopulation, raises awareness about the effects of overpopulation on the environment and development. It also talks about the health problems faced by child bearing women and the importance of family planning, gender equality, poverty, maternal health and human rights.

Theme of World Population Day 2020:

The theme this year is based on safeguarding the health and rights of women and girls around the world especially during the time of COVID-19 pandemic. A recent UNFPA research highlighted that if the lockdown continues for 6 months, and there is major disruption to health services, then 47 million women in low and middle-income countries might not have access to modern contraceptives. This would in turn lead to 7 million unintended pregnancies. Apart from that, it could see a rise in gender-based violence, female genital mutilation and child marriages.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

SWAYAM Prabha KISHORE MANCH Program Schedule (29th JUNE to 5th JULY 2020)

For Primary Classes

For Class 6 to 8

For Class 9 to 10

For Class 11 to 12


Thursday, July 2, 2020

International Plastic Bag Free Day 3rd July 2020

The International Plastic Bag Free Day is a unique opportunity to spread the word that a plastic bag free world is possible and that sound environmental alternatives to single use plastic bags are available. It is all about promoting environmental conservation by encouraging us all to stay away from the use of plastic bags and instead look for more eco-friendly alternatives.  The day is also important in terms of increasing awareness of the dangers and the harm that is associated with plastic bags in terms of the impact they have on marine life, animal life, and nature.
 International Plastic Bag Free Day 2020 : Poster Making Competition based on "PLASTIC FREE INDIA"
Draw a colorful poster on the given topic.
Participant are requested to write your name, class and section on your poster.
Take a selfie with your poster and send it in your class WhatsApp group. 
Keep your poster safely with you and submitted in the library afterwards  when the school will reopen.
Last date 6th July 2020

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Observing as International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking | 26 June

By resolution 42/112 of 7 December 1987, the General Assembly decided to observe 26 June as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking as an expression of its determination to strengthen action and cooperation to achieve the goal of an international society free of drug abuse.

Supported each year by individuals, communities, and various organizations all over the world, this global observance aims to raise awareness of the major problem that illicit drugs represent to society.

Better knowledge for better care

Recently, the field of addressing the world drug problem has been 'plagued' by misinformation of many kinds.

The theme for the 2020 International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking “Better Knowledge for Better Care” emphasizes the need to improve the understanding of the world drug problem and how in turn, better knowledge will foster greater international cooperation for countering its impact on health, governance and security.

Celebrating National Digital Reading Week 19th June 2020 to 25th June 2020

Hindi Story Writing Competition
Dear student
Last but not the least, competition of the National Digital Reading week 19th June to 25th June 2020.
Competition is being organized by the Library for the students of Class 6th to 8th KV No. 1 AFS Jorhat.
Here you are given a story in Hindi. You have to read the story and then complete it by your own  creative findings and ideas. After reading the given part of the story you can complete the story on your own copy and submit it here in this form.

 Last date 28 June 2020

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Celebrating National Digital Reading Week 19th June 2020 to 25th June 2020

Slogans on Reading Competition
National Digital Reading Week 19th June to 25th June 2020 celebrations, a Slogans on Reading Competition is being organized by the Library for the students of Class 9th to 12th KV No. 1 AFS Jorhat.
*Draw a colorful Poster on the given topics, take a selfie with your Poster and upload in this link.
            भारत पढ़े ऑनलाइन
         My Book My Friend
Last Date 27th June 2020

ISRO Cyberspace Competitions-2020(ICC-2020)

ISRO Cyberspace Competitions–2020 (ICC–2020) 
During the present COVID-19 challenging times, when physical meetings are near-impossible, ISRO plans to play its unifying role for the young minds of our country by involving them in various online competitions showcasing their potential talents by organising online ISRO Cyberspace Competitions–2020 (ICC–2020).
 ICC–2020 would avoid the physical travel of the students to different places and facilitates their participation online keeping them safe within their home during these testing times. The competitions planned in ICC–2020 are: 
1. Drawing competition for Class 1 to 3, 
2. Model making competition for Class 4 to 8, 
3. Essay competition for class 9 to 10 (both Hindi and English),
 4. Essay competition / Space-Quiz contest for class 11 to 12 (both Hindi and English).  

For registration online, Please visit:

Click here for Login (after registration)

Registration for ICC-2020 is extended upto June 28, 2020.

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