Thursday, July 2, 2020

International Plastic Bag Free Day 3rd July 2020

The International Plastic Bag Free Day is a unique opportunity to spread the word that a plastic bag free world is possible and that sound environmental alternatives to single use plastic bags are available. It is all about promoting environmental conservation by encouraging us all to stay away from the use of plastic bags and instead look for more eco-friendly alternatives.  The day is also important in terms of increasing awareness of the dangers and the harm that is associated with plastic bags in terms of the impact they have on marine life, animal life, and nature.
 International Plastic Bag Free Day 2020 : Poster Making Competition based on "PLASTIC FREE INDIA"
Draw a colorful poster on the given topic.
Participant are requested to write your name, class and section on your poster.
Take a selfie with your poster and send it in your class WhatsApp group. 
Keep your poster safely with you and submitted in the library afterwards  when the school will reopen.
Last date 6th July 2020

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