Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Reading Week 2021

 National Reading Day Reading Week (19-25 June 2021)



Group 1 - VI to VIII

Group 2 - IX to XII

TITLE: My School days

(Because we miss our school)

It's different this time. We have the challenges of the Covid.

 So let's do some joyful writing practice by participating in School Level Short Story Writing Competition. 

Groom your creativity and expression by sharing your feelings and experience towards your school your teachers, your friends and everything associated with school it can be imaginary too) the form of a story. 

The Best Story will be awarded and top 3 stories from each group would be published on Library Blog Win e-certificate too

 Come on..let's do it!

Last date- 24/06/2021

Click here Upload Your Entry

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