Friday, October 16, 2020


World Food Day 16 October 2020 

World Food Day 2020: History

World Food Day is an annual celebration in the honour of the founding date of the Food and Agriculture Organization launched by the United Nations in the year 1945. World Food Day 2020 is also marking the 75th anniversary of FAO. The day is celebrated widely with great enthusiasm by several other organizations which are concerned with food security such as the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the World Food Program, and others.

World Food Day 2020: Theme

World Food Day is celebrated every year with different themes to focus on areas that require action and offer a common objective. This year the World Food Day 2020 theme is "Grow, nourish, sustain. Together. Our actions are our future".

"World Food Day 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of FAO in an exceptional moment as countries around the world deal with the widespread effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic. It’s a time to look into the future we need to build together," Food and Agriculture of the United nations' official website states.


“There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.” -Mahatma Gandhi
“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” -Virginia Woolf

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